The Bird Children (Book One of the Phoenix Realm)

Ebook CoverAvreal of Landers just knows there is something wrong with her, despite her family’s protests to the contrary.  She has no navel, and she loses her voice on occasion, sometimes unable to talk for months at a time.  Her older brother Dominic, a young warlock struggling with his own demons, remembers what his sister doesn’t:  that she hatched out of an egg and spent the first year of her life as a bird.  To keep her from sprouting feathers again and flying away, her family has hidden the details of her strange infancy from her.

However, they are not the only ones who know Avreal’s secret.  A sorceress and her son have been watching Avreal from another realm, patiently waiting–and plotting . . .

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*Available in print and electronic formats on Amazon. Also you may purchase e-book versions from all major retailers: Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Apple, Sony, Smashwords, etc.

Luna Moth – A Retelling of Persephone and Hades

link to YouTube: It’s going to be a week or two before I finish my episode about animus and anima.  I need to take a little time away from it to focus on my fiction writing, as I hope to release a novel later this year.  In the meantime, I thought I would share […]

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Owning Your Shadow Part 3

link to YouTube video: While in the throes of the creative process, have you ever tried to force a creation ...

Owning Your Shadow Part 2

Link to video on YouTube: My mom said some strange things in the months leading up to her death.  Being ...